Jamaica youth representative selected to attend World Heritage Young Experts Forum 2015

World Heritage Young Experts Forum 2015 “Towards a Sustainable Management of World Heritage Sites” is part of the World Heritage Education Programme of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and is financed by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. It is being held June 18 – June 29, 2015 in Germany.
Jamaica, as a member of the World Heritage Committee, will for the second year be represented at the world youth heritage forum to be held before the 39th session of the World Heritage Committee scheduled to be held in Bonn, Germany, 29 June – July 2015.
Jamaica first participated in this forum in 2014 (held in Qatar) and was represented by Marlon Walcott, UWI and Marcella Grizzle, ACIJ. This year, Jamaica will be represented by Oshane Robinson.