Jamaican is the 2016 World Press Freedom Day Design Winner

A proposal with an image of speech bubbles in bright colors representing freedom of expression has been selected as the winning design for the visibility campaign of the upcoming World Press Freedom Day 2016.
“The design submitted by Marc James, an art director from Jamaica, was chosen for its clarity and universal appeal. He drew inspiration from the free flow of ideas,” says Sylvie Coudray, Chief of Section for Freedom of Expression at UNESCO.
His work will be used in all communication materials for the WPFD 2016 celebrations. The main global event will be organized from 2 to 4 May in Helsinki, Finland, while various local and regional events will be organized all over the world to celebrate the Day.
Among the submissions, over twenty proposals were of such high quality that they have received an honorable mention to publicly recognize their exceptional design and hard work. UNESCO features a selected collection in the online gallery of the WPFD 2016 dedicated website.