IFCD approves 72,197 USD for “Validating Jamaica’s Cultural & Creative Industry through Economic Impact Assessments and National Statistical System”

The Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions has
approved the application submitted by the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) to implement the project entitled “Validating Jamaica’s Cultural & Creative Industry through Economic Impact Assessments and National Statistical System (JAM NSS-CCI)” (in Decision 14.IGC 8). An amount of 72,197 USD will be allocated from the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) to this project.

Please note that for communication purposes, the modified title is “Evaluation of Jamaica’s Cultural and Creative Industry through economic impact studies and the National Statistics System (JAM NSSCCI)”.

The year 2021 is the International Year of Creative Economy. The project will undoubtedly contribute to strengthening the creative economy in Jamaica.