Cheryl Brown passing

It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the passing of Cheryl Brown on Sunday 7 March 2021.
Cheryl was not only a brilliant attorney-at-law, who has contributed tremendously to the work of the IBC with her sharp and inspiring mind from 2010 to 2017, but also a passionate and authentic woman. The IBC benefitted from her wit, her commitment and her critical eye on legal and linguistic details, but also from her phenomenal sense of humour. She never shied away from speaking her mind, which gave to each of her intervention a unique flavour. Cheryl travelled the world to participate in each and every session of the IBC, and, upon the completion of her term of office, she continued to follow the work of the Committee assiduously.
Cheryl Brown will always be remembered for her commitment to scholarly excellence in service to bioethics, human dignity and social progress.