Biennale of Luanda – “Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace”

Two youth from Jamaica – Mr Odane Brooks and Ms Jonelle Llewellyn – will be our representatives.
Organized in partnership between UNESCO, the Government of Angola and the African Union, the Biennale of Luanda – “Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace” aims to promote the prevention of violence and the resolution of conflicts, by encouraging cultural exchanges in Africa, dialogue between generations and the promotion of gender equality. This year, 150 young active leaders from 18-35 years old, coming from all 54 African countries and beyond, (including 2 from Jamaica – Mr Odane Brooks and Ms Jonelle Llewellyn) will be selected to engage with high-level leaders and participate at the Biennale of Luanda Intergerational Dialogue, which theme will be “Cultural and Heritage Diversity of Africa and its Diasporas: Fireside of Conflicts or Ground of Peace?” In addition, they will be actively participating in the Thematic and Good Practices Forums as well as in other key moments of the event. It is not an opportunity to be missed!