World Philosophy Day 2021

World Philosophy Day 2021 was celebrated by UWI/UNESCO 0n 18 November on the theme “The Human Condition in Times of Crisis: Mitigating the Challenges of Life During a Pandemic”.

The Hon. Alando Terrelonge, MP (Minister of State in the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport) presented the main address with Dr Maria Smith, Programme Manager, JNC-UNESCO,  declaring the Day. The panel discussion  included Dr. Roxanne Burton – Philosophy Coordinator, Department of History and Philosophy, UWI Mona Cave Hill, Ms. Donna Mckoy – Chair, National Bioethics Committee of Jamaica (NBCJ), Dr. Andre Haughton – Senior Lecturer, Department of Economy, UWI Mona, Dr. Lester Shields – Counsellor, UWI Health Centre