UNESCO Participation Programme 2022 CALL

Registered NGO’s, Youth Organisations, Government Agencies or Departments are invited to submit project proposals for possible funding to the UNESCO Participation Programme at https://jncunesco.gov.jm/open-calls/

Deadline: 11 February 2022

Proposals must relate to UNESCO’s mandate and fields of competence especially in the priority areas of

  • youth
  • gender
  • small island development states (SIDS)

and must also relate to the sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Requests for funds (which must not exceed US $26,000) can be sought for:
a)  the setting up of projects;
b)  the services of specialists and consultants;
c)  publications, periodicals and documentation;
d)  materials and equipment;
e)  the organization of conferences, meetings and seminars.

Please submit your project proposal online to the following link:
