UNESCO Executive Board, 213th Session, 26 November
- Item 1 – Opening of the session
- Item 2 – Adoption of the Provisional Agenda
- Item 3 – Election of the Chairperson of the Executive Board
- Item 4 – Election of the Vice-Chairpersons of the Executive Boar
- Items 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 – Establishment of the permanent Commissions and Committees of the Executive Board and election of their Chairpersons
- Items 10, 11, 12 – Terms of Reference of Committees of the Executive Board
- Item 13 – Dates to be considered for the 214th and 215th session of the Executive Board
- Item 14 – Provisional list of matters to be considered by the Executive Board in 2022-2023
Closure of the session