Participation Programme 2023 Information Sharing meeting, 15March 2023

This information sharing meeting was held with the  recipients and key partners. The representatives of each project gave a brief on their organization and a summary of the project. At the end of this brief Ms. Danielle Grantf from the Family Planning Association commended this meeting as she has found a new resource to tap into regarding her own project.

Ms Thomas from PIOJ MFC unit said that Government is looking to move towards grant based borrowing, and the current meeting will allow for knowledge to be shared on the grant programs so that input can be made to  inform policy making.

Four projects were successful and received funding totaling USD 75,685. They are:

– Training Women and Youth in Innovative Agricultural Technologies for Food Security and Employment – NCU for 21.000

– YAM LINKS [Youth engaging youth through interpersonal, performing arts and social media] – Jamaica Family Planning Association for 16, 685

– Performing Arts Intervention Programme to Empower At-Risk-Youth and Ending Gender Based Violence for Community Renewal of Parade Gardens – YARD Empire for 18. 000

– Safeguarding Jamaica’s Intangible Cultural Heritage: Strengthening the digitization capacity of the African Caribbean Institute of Jamaica – ACIJ/JMB for 20. 000