Training of divers and procure supporting equipment- staff and fisherfolks who will assist with C-CAM’s monitoring programme including artificial coral reef restoration programme and maintenance of marker buoys. The National Fisheries Authority (NFA) was approached to give support to this activity by providing funding to increase the participants from 4 to 6.
Training of divers to assist with C-CAM’s monitoring programme including artificial coral reef restoration programme and maintenance of marker buoys. Training began with classroom work sessions June 14, 15 , 17, 22. The training should be a total of 8 days to include in pool sessions and diving at sea. This allowed the trainers, Yardie Environmental Conservationist Ltd to assess the knowledge of the team and their readiness for going in the water while also increasing their knowledge of the correct way to do things and the implication of not doing so.
The practical dive training began at Stadium Pool, Kingston and was continued at Salt River, 12 August 2021. It will be completed 0n 19 August – postponed