International Coastal Cleanup Day 2024
UNESCO ClubsUNESCO Clubs of Holy Childhood High, Kingston High and St Andrews HS For Girls participated in this activity on Saturday 21 September 2024
World Poetry Day 2024
Communication & InformationWorld Poetry Day 2024 celebration, 21 March 2024 at the St Thomas Parish Library. Thank you to the schools in attendance and our guest poets
JCDC national culture clubs conference, 8 March
UNESCO ClubsJNCUNESCO was in attendance at the 8th staging of the JCDC national culture clubs conference with their UNESCO clubs from St Andrews HS for Girls, Kingston High and DeCarteret College. It was a learning experience especially from the conference papers on the theme “Embracing Arts n Culture: the catalyst to […]
JADCO 15th anniversary/10th annual symposium
Stakeholders Collaboration & PartnershipsAt the invitation of JNC-UNESCO some members of the Holy Childhood UNESCO Club, with their club coordinator, Ms Barrett, at Terra Nova Hotel for the JADCO 15th anniversary/ 10th annual symposium today. The theme, “Protecting Brand Jamaica Through Clean Sport. | READ MORE

Guys Hill High UNESCO Club
International ObservancesGuys Hill High UNESCO Club celebrated International day for the elimination of violence against our women and girls and received great support from the school.
CHASE Fund recipient
UNESCO ClubsThe UNESCO Clubs of Jamaica/Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO has received funding from the CHASE Fund through a project written by D. Hopkinson, Public Education/ Documentalist . | READ MORE

YARD Empire project Launch
Front Page News“Performing Arts Intervention Programme to Empower At-Risk Youth and ending Gender-based violence for Community Renewal of Parade Gardens” was launched by Hon Minister Grange as Chair of JNC-UNESCO. They received a set of musical instruments for use in the project that received USD18,000 under the UNESCO Participation Programme It is […]
Guys Hill High School UNESCO CLUB
UNESCO ClubsFor Labour Day, Guys Hill High School UNESCO CLUB members assisted by the JDF planted fruit trees and undertook gardening and painting on the school compound.
| READ MOREHoly Childhood HS UNESCO Club donates
UNESCO ClubsHoly Childhood HS UNESCO Club has once again completed a donation activity. This activity was to assist the children at Evans Basic School. | READ MORE