Caribbean Sheroes Initiative – Toolkit

This third phase of the project was aimed at developing a Toolkit that documented the work and approaches of CSOs in promoting gender equality in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean, as well as providing lessons learned and recommendations for other CSOs and younger generations of women involved in advancing gender […]

Honouring our Sheroes

The Caribbean Sheroes Initiative is a sub-regional Initiative that aims to produce knowledge and enhance the skills of young people to promote gender equality. Honouring our Sheroes event was held April 29, 2021 with a focus on highlighting the work of Gender Equality Champions and the production of a Knowledge Tool […]

Youth Community/COVID Resilience – St. Mary

Talk up Yout interviewed youths in the community – how they are managing COVID; education, Mental Health, thoughts on solutions to the economic and social challenges they face including the environment and climate change. Radio broadcast was on Nationwide Radio FM on Saturday, 26 June

Let’s Talk Covid – Bull Bay

Host: Damian Scarlett | Demoye Whiteley/Sabrina Porter Introduction / Community History & Highlights on Bull Bay The young people respond to the pandemic’s impact on their Mental Health, family life and finances. The young people respond to the pandemic’s impact on Online School, Technology Access (devices and internet) as well […]

Youth Community /COVID Resilience – Community-SE Clarendon

TUY will interview youth (20-30 teens) in the community. Gathering information on how they are managing COVID; education, Mental Health, thoughts on solutions to the economic and social challenges they face including the environment and climate change.

World Radio Day

TALK UP YOUT hosted a special broadcast for World Radio Day on 13 February 2021 under the theme “New World, New Radio: Evolution, Innovation, Connection”. They were supported by The Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO.

Dive Training

Training of divers and procure supporting equipment- staff and fisherfolks who will assist with C-CAM’s monitoring programme including artificial coral reef restoration programme and maintenance of marker buoys.  The National Fisheries Authority (NFA) was approached  to give support to this activity by providing funding to increase the participants from 4 […]

Biosphere Reserves: World Earth Day/ MAB 50th

Feature on Biosphere Reserves on Thursday 22 April from 1:30 to 2:30pm. Radio Broadcast with hostess Emprezz featuring C-CAM in partnership with the Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO (JNC-UNESCO) and powered by the UNESCO Participation Programme.


Cockpit Country/Martha Brae/Rio Bueno/Falmouth Biosphere Reserve – working on nomination information for submission. MAB meeting, Trelawny Parish Council, 20 February 2019 The Chair, Ms Joy Douglas, extended a special welcome to His Worship the Mayor Councillor C.