Labour Day Project at the Homestead Home and Green Expo


Under its UNESCO mandate JFUCCA undertook a Labour Day Project at the Homestead Home and two of its clubs  participated in the Green Expo Homestead Place of Safety Beautification Project”  was the target of the Labour Day Project undertaken by JFUCCA. The participants included: The UWI UNESCO ClubJ. | READ MORE

Social and Human Sciences Focus on Climate Change, Youth and Sports


This programme aims to support increased participation in sport and physical activity in the Caribbean, in a manner that contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals/Agenda 2030.   In July 2017, during UNESCO’s sixth Ministerial Conference for Sport (MINEPS VI), the international community reached a consensus on the priorities shaping sport […]


Community-based Inventorying of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Kingston


The African Caribbean Institute of Jamaica/Jamaica Memory Bank (ACIJ/JMB), in collaboration with the Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Cluster Office for the Caribbean, coordinated a pilot, community-based, training workshop on the inventorying of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in the urban context of Kingston on March 11, 2019 […]


Minister Grange Leads Jamaica’s Successful Inscription of Reggae


Jamaica has been successful in securing an ICH (Intangible Cultural Heritage) of humanity list inscription for reggae music, a uniquely Jamaican creation. The decision was made at the 13th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Mauritius following a […]


JNC-UNESCO Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary


The Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO celebrates 50 years this year. According to UNESCO’s Director General, Irena Bokova, it was “50 years of leadership and action”. | READ MORE

UNESCO Funds Youth Leadership Training In Heritage Preservation and Protection


Jamaica held a World Heritage Workshop ‘Youth Leadership Training in Heritage Preservation and Protection’ to create an awareness of World Heritage in Jamaica and to build capacity among its young people from the different parishes. The workshop is organized to be held in two phases. | READ MORE

Promoting Culture and Sustainable Development on the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development


On the occasion of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development a high level event on Culture and Sustainable Development, 21 May 2019 was held. It was a UN event in partnership with UNESCO. | READ MORE

UNESCO sponsors training workshop for Accompong Maroon radio station

Front Page News

Kingston, 10 October 2018 – Staff members and community volunteers at Abeng Radio 88.7 FM in Accompong, St Elizabeth benefited from a three-day training workshop from October 11-13. | READ MORE

Jamaica Elected to Information for All Programme (IFAP) Governing Body


Mr. Cordel Green, Chair of the Information Advisory Committee, is Jamaica’s representative for the period 2017-2021. | READ MORE

Jamaica was also elected to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Council (ICH)


The representative is Bernard Jankee with Dr. Maria Smith as alternate for the period of 2018-22. | READ MORE