Mental Health – Mek Wi Talk

Communication & Information

The JNC-UNESCO Youth Advisory Committee (JYAC) participated in World Mental Day by executing two initiatives in an effort to bring awareness to various mental health issues under the theme “Young people and mental health in a changing world.” A Twitter forum held in collaboration with Jamaica’s Talk Up Yute and […]


JNC-UNESCO Youth Advisory Committee Receives Grant


Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport and Chairman of the Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO, the Honourable Olivia Grange, announced that the Youth Advisory Committee of the Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO has received a grant for US$15,000. under the UNESCO Participation Programme. | READ MORE

National Anti-Doping Compliance Committee


The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, has announced that Jamaica will establish a National Anti-doping Compliance Committee as part of measures to enhance the national programme to keep sports clean. The Committee will ensure that Jamaica conforms to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s code and […]


UNESCO Assistant Director-General of Culture (Ernesto Ottone Ramírez) Visits Jamaica


Ernesto Ottone Ramírez, the Assistant Director of Culture at UNESCO, visited Jamaica as Hon. Minister Grange’s special guest for the Reggae Gold Awards Ceremony. | READ MORE

St. Kitts Training of students in Human Rights Awareness


(NATCOM) – St. Kitts, March 06, 2015: A partnership between the National Commission for UNESCO, the Department of Youth in the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture and the global advocacy group Youth For Human Rights International (YHRI) got off to a promising start with the training of local […]


ACIJ/JMB Exhibition 2015


The ACIJ/JMB launched its ICH exhibition during a ceremony at its library in downtown Kingston on February 10. A division of the Institute of Jamaica, the ACIJ/JMB has developed an extensive inventory of ICH in Jamaica, and the exhibition represents its continuing work in documenting and protecting the nation’s local […]


Handing over of Edward Seaga Collection


The University of the West Indies (UWI) paid tribute to former Prime Minister and Leader of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) Edward Seaga, at a function in the Council Room at Mona, marking the handing over of his collection (9 Mar). The collection includes books, documents and artifacts saved by […]


Workshop on the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme was held in Curaçao


The objective of the workshop, among other, was to review the status of the National Memory of the World in Curaçao, and discuss the national, regional and international Registry of the Memory of the World. The first Catechism Written in the national language of Curaçao, Papiamentu, was included in the […]


Retirement of Antonio Maynard, Secretary General of the St. Kitts-Nevis National Commission for UNESCO


Secretary General of the St. Kitts-Nevis National Commission for UNESCO, Antonio Maynard, retired after 15 years of service on May 31, 2019. | READ MORE

Effective and Proper Use of Social Media Workshop

Communication & Information

The University of the West Indies Open Campus on St. Kitts hosted a three day workshop “Training Media Workers in the Effective and Proper Use of Social Media’ 14 -16 May 2019 The purpose of the workshop was to introduce media workers in St. | READ MORE